The son of Melanie Safka Schekeryk

Beau-Jarred Schekeryk

plays a Godin Guitar 
modified with some effect things
Beau 2006
Concert in Lübeck, Germany
Beau 2009
Concert in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany
Beau 2022
Concert in Hengelo, NL

Beau-Jarred is the third of Melanie Safka's three children, born in 1980.
He traveled with his mother through the world to play a wonderful guitar
with his mother Melanie Safka Schekeryk - the living legend of the "Woodstock" - artists.
He accompenied Melanie for more than 27 years.

With this website I want to try to support Beau's way into the future as an
guitarplayer, singer and songwriter. Not the same music like her mother,
but a wonderful music from an excellent guitarist.

Beau-Jarred starts playing guitar with the help of Sal de Troia, a guitarist, who played on Melanie
records in the seventies of the last century and who was a friend of his grandmother, 
Polly Safka.

Beau-Jarred with Melanie

the first picture is from 2009 and the second picture from 2007

(C) 2024 pictures by Michael Friede


This is the title of he first CD released in the year 2004. Beau himself wrote on the backsite CD:

This is a collection of compositions, songs and colors of flamenco.
It represents me from the moment I began to create and perceived
a life communicating with music. I am different now. I am transforming.
My voice has changed. I'm emerging. This is my beginning. This is not
an apology. It's just important that you know.

The cover Inlay of his first own CD from 2004

The Backside of his CD

Inlay of the CD

The has 9 titles with a total playing time of 36:50 minutes

Click on the songs to hear a short cut of about 30 seconds of the songs.

1. Pax Romana 4:03

2. Dreams 3:46

3.Ha Ha Ha 2:49

4. Runaway 4:28

5. Here to there 4:22

6. Hootsil 2:47

7. Gypsy Girl 4:14

8. Arpeggios in High Altitude 5:11

9. The sound of Heart 7:59


Written & performed by Beau, the second track from his 2004 album "Scrapbook"

 "Deserts of Blueams"

Written & performed by Beau-Jarred Schekeryk