Data security explanation

The fundamental

his data security explanation should inform the users of this website about the kind(way), the range(extent) and the purpose of the elevation and use(application) of personal data by the website operator Michael Friede.

The website operator takes seriously your data security very much and treats your personal data confidentially and appropriately of the legal rules. Because changes in this data security explanation can be carried out by new technologies and the constant advancement of this web page, we recommend you to ourselves the data security explanation at regular intervals again to read through.

You find definitions of the applied notions (e.g., " personal data " or "processing") in kind(way). 4 DSGVO.

Access data

We, the website operators or side providers, raise on account of our legitimate interest (s. Kind(way). 6 paragraphs 1 lit. f. DSGVO) data about accesses to the website and store this as "server-log files" on the server of the website. The following data are taken down so:

· Visited website

· Time at the time of the access

· Amount of the sent data in byte

· The pours / refer from which you got on the side(page)

· Applied browser

· Applied operating system

· Applied IP address

The server-log files are stored for maximally 7 days and afterwards are deleted. The storage of the data takes place for reasons of safety to be able to clear up, e.g., abuse cases. If data from arguments must be lifted, they are excluded as long as from the deletion to the incident finally is clarified

Contact with contact data

Personal data are stored by the owner of the side(page) only in case of the direct(straight) establishment of contact about the contact form. With the use of this contact way you explain yourselves with the storage of the sent information to the answer of the contact inquiry agreed.

Take(Accept) with us as a website operator by the offered contact possibilities connection, your information is stored, so that can be fallen back on this for the treatment and answer of your inquiry. Without your consent these data are not transmitted into three parts.

Rights(Laws) of the user

hey have as a user the right(law) to get at the request of free information about which personal data about you were stored. Besides, they have the right(law) on correction of wrong data and on the processing austerity or deletion of your personal data. If appropriately, you can also assert your right(law) on Datenportabilität. Should you suppose that your data were processed illegally, you can submit a complaint at the responsible supervisory authority.

Deletion of data

Provided that your wish does not collide with a legal obligation for the keeping of data (e.g., supply data storage), you have a claim to deletion of your data. From us stored data become, they should not be for their(her) purpose any more necessary and give it no legal periods for safekeeping, deleted. If a deletion cannot be executed, because the data are required for permissible legal purposes, an austerity of the data processing takes place. In this case the data are closed and are not processed for other purposes.

Opposition right

Users of this web page can do from their(her) opposition right use and contradict the processing of their(her) personal data any time.

If you wish a correction, blockage, deletion or information about the personal data stored to your person or have questions bzgl. of the elevation, processing or use(application) of your personal data or liked to revoke given consents, please, address the following E-mail address:

This side(page) manages without storage of Cookies and is a private, not commercial web page.